NTFS @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Compress the file or directory compact /c "path_to_file_or_directory" :: Slice the compressed file using PowerShell powershell -command "& { $filename = 'path_to_compressed_file'; $chunkSize = 10MB; $counter = 1; Get-Content $filename -ReadCount ([math]::Round((Get-Item $filename).length / $chunkSize)) | ForEach-Object { Set-Content ($filename + '.' + $counter) -Value $_; $counter++ } }"
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NTFS @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Compress the file or directory compact /c "path_to_file_or_directory" :: Slice the compressed file using PowerShell powershell -command "& { $filename = 'path_to_compressed_file'; $chunkSize = 10MB; $counter = 1; Get-Content $filename -ReadCount ([math]::Round((Get-Item $filename).length / $chunkSize)) | ForEach-Object { Set-Content ($filename + '.' + $counter) -Value $_; $counter++ } }"